Digital Monitoring for
Multi Academy Trusts (MATs)

Securus provides Multi Academy Trusts with a leading-edge digital monitoring solution to protect pupils from harmful content across ALL devices and in every application.

As more schools become part of Multi Academy Trusts, the volume of safeguarding concerns continues to rise. With increasing workloads at both Trust level and Academy level there is an added focus to keep pupils safe from digital harms on school devices by monitoring and detecting incidents that pose a risk.

How does the Securus monitoring solution operate across Multi Academy Trusts?

It couldn’t be easier! The Securus solution can be deployed at Trust level and rolled out to each Academy, automatically creating the Trust and Academy organisation structures. 

The Securus team are on hand to support each Academy through the deployment process to help setup the monitoring requirements based on the needs of the Trust and each individual site.

Trust wide training sessions are provided for DSLs and any other designated staff and sessions are also recorded for staff to view and refresh their knowledge in their own time.

Securus Software Hero Screens

Benefits for Multi Academy Trusts:

The Securus Cloud portal is accessible across the whole Trust IT infrastructure – monitoring all devices and all applications

All monitoring is under one umbrella, providing a single holistic overview of safeguarding activity Trust-wide

Individual Trust schools view and manage their own safeguarding alerts and incidents

Trust wide and school level dashboard analytics provided to guide and highlight safeguarding trends across the whole organisation

Securus for Trusts ensures consistent Trust wide compliance with Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory guidance, the Prevent Duty and the Ofsted inspection framework, along with the DfE Filtering & Monitoring Standards

DSLs, Senior Leadership Teams & the IT department at both Trust and Academy level now have the same key focus on monitoring standards in place

Key safeguarding staff at the Trust can also receive high severity alerts immediately if a pupil is deemed “at risk” with the Full Monitoring Service (FMS)

Call 0330 124 1750 or email our team to discuss your Multi Academy Trust Monitoring requirements

Listen to our Real World Scenario Stories on Bullying, Racism, Radicalision, Sexual Exploitation and Mental Health & Welbeing

“Having Securus in place is vital to keep both pupils and staff safe across all our schools in the Trust. The ability to configure the software to our specific needs with detailed alerts & reporting provides us with key evidence of any safeguarding concerns that arise. The team are always on hand for any support we require”

– Adam Lapidge, Trust Online Safety Lead,
Discovery Schools Academies Trust

Securus Full Monitoring Service comprises a UK-based team of online monitoring experts with many years’ experience between them. For 20 years, we have successfully supported hundreds of schools across the UK and internationally. 

All of our software complies with Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory guidance, the Prevent duty, Ofsted regulations and ISI Inspections frameworks.

— Book a 10 minute slot here —
Securus Full Monitoring Service (FMS) Briefing

Advanced student monitoring across ALL devices & applications – supporting DSLs and safeguarding leads in education – we do the monitoring for you!