Digital Monitoring for DSLs

Last year, in a 12-week period across 50+ schools, we helped capture 140,000 online safeguarding incidents including those related to grooming, hacking, eating disorders, terrorism, mental health and pornography.

We help protect a greater number of vulnerable students from online harm while saving DSLs hours of work.

Boy On Laptop

Our full online monitoring includes:

Monitoring your entire school network daily, regardless of device used, for safeguarding incidents many of which are not blocked by your web filtering

Going through every online safeguarding incident or ‘capture’ and categorise it based on pre-agreed criteria

Eliminating false positives to reduce disruption to learning

Immediately notifying you of the most serious incidents or when we spot a worrying pattern of behaviour

Get greater reassurance your students are safe online and faster reporting when safeguarding incidents occur.

“We have used Securus for many years and over this time we have watched it grow from strength to strength. It has transformed the behaviour of our students and helped on numbers occasions to detect and provide early intervention for student safeguardingissues and the evidence is used by our student support department to help provide a safe, caring environment for all students.”

Securus Full Monitoring Service comprises a UK-based team of online monitoring experts with many years’ experience between them. For 20 years, we have successfully supported hundreds of schools across the UK and internationally.

All of our software complies with Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory guidance, the Prevent duty, Ofsted regulations and ISI Inspections frameworks.

Girl Computer

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Securus Full Monitoring Service (FMS) Briefing

Advanced student monitoring across ALL devices & applications – supporting DSLs and safeguarding leads in education – we do the monitoring for you!