KCSiE 2024 Filtering and Monitoring: Key Changes Schools and Multi Academy Trusts Need to Know

The DfE’s latest version of Keeping Children Safe in Education came into implementation in September 2024 – 

KCSiE 2024 Filtering and Monitoring Summary: Key Changes

The latest changes are minimal, with updated definitions to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, which has been amended to better reflect the Working Together to Safeguard Children guidance.

Past Changes:

KCSiE 2023 Filtering and Monitoring Summary: Key Changes

The key topic to be aware of is the implementation of newly published standards for ‘filtering and monitoring’ in schools and colleges

Within the KCSiE filtering and monitoring 2023 guidance, there were 3 notable changes that came into effect regarding online filtering and monitoring requirements

  • Paragraph 103 on page 28 contains new text making it clear that the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) has responsibility for “understanding the filtering and monitoring systems and processes in place” as part of their remit.  
  • Paragraph 124 on page 32 expressly notes that “an understanding of the expectations, applicable roles and responsibilities in relation to filtering and monitoring” should be included in safeguarding and child protection training at induction for all staff.  
  • Paragraph 138 on page 36 states that a school’s child protection policy should include how appropriate filtering and monitoring technology on school devices and school networks form part of its work in this area.

Annex F (page 176) of the guidance contains a table outlining where changes have been made. 

Also this TES article provides an informative overview of all the key changes to the guidance and what DSLs and schools need to know.

More Information:

Filtering and monitoring checklist for schools, colleges and MATs:

  1. You should identify and assign roles and responsibilities to manage your filtering and monitoring systems
  2. You should review your filtering and monitoring provision at least annually
  3. Your filtering system should block harmful and inappropriate content, without unreasonably impacting teaching and learning
  4. You should have effective monitoring strategies that meet the safeguarding needs of your school or college

In particular, all staff are to understand their role in this aspect of safeguarding and DSLs are expected to have the ‘lead responsibility’.

The full guidance relating to filtering and monitoring standards can be found here – 

A monitoring solution that meets the latest KCSiE standards

Securus continues to provide schools with a highly intuitive monitoring solution that meets all of the latest standards of KCSiE, along with the Prevent duty and the Ofsted Inspection Framework

Our library with 25 topics of concern safeguards pupils against digital threats and incidents of concern taking place on the school network – whether typed or non-typed, in all applications and browsers

We are happy to talk to any schools or education establishments who require a monitoring software solution and we also provide a self-managed or fully managed service, which is a popular option for DSLs and safeguarding staff. 

We are here to listen to any requirements you may have – 

Get in touch
Do you have questions about safeguarding in education? Get in touch with our digital safeguarding experts to learn about our digital monitoring solutions for schools.
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Advanced student monitoring across ALL devices & applications – supporting DSLs and safeguarding leads in education – we do the monitoring for you!