Securus 360 combines our XT & NET technology to provide self-managed monitoring at both the device- and network-level.
We understand that each school has different needs for monitoring pupil activity and that safeguarding policies & processes vary across different education settings.
That’s why we offer the option to self-manage Securus, with full access to the capture portal – providing screenshot evidence and dynamic reporting for both online & offline activity in ALL applications.
How Does It Work?
Monitoring at device-level and network-level
Our device-level software features advanced monitoring functionality – capturing online, offline, typed and untyped activity across Windows & Chromebook devices.
Our network-level monitoring delivers enhanced safety across all devices including iPads, Mac, Android & Mobile Devices – and supports Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies.
Capture Severity Levels
Securus has a built in library of 24+ categories with dynamic grading and levels of severity in accordance with DfE’s Keeping Children Safe in Education and child protection agencies:
Severity 1
Low grade capture – low level incident with no risk factor
Severity 2
Low to Medium grade capture – usually off task or non typed incident
Severity 3
Medium grade capture – potentially unsafe behaviour for consideration
Severity 4
Medium to High grade capture – clear safeguarding incident identified for review and immediate action
Severity 5
High grade capture – urgent safeguarding incident indicating immediate risk or harm
Key Benefits
Implementation & setup configured to school specific requirements.
Miss Nothing
Monitor ALL devices including iPads, Mac computers, Chromebooks, Windows, Android & Mobile Phones, providing support for BYOD initiatives for Ofsted.
Full Support & Training
Unlimited online training and access to the Support Team & Knowledge Base – all part of our cost-effective self-managed monitoring solution covering ALL devices.
Reinforces and supports positive pupil behaviour and well-being.
Meets DfE Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory guidance, Ofsted inspection requirements & ISI framework.
Integration with MyConcern & CPOMS reduces the need for unnecessary additional system interactions.
Some Key Threats We Monitor For