Let us do all the monitoring for you!
By incorporating our fully managed monitoring service with our market-leading Securus 360 software – a team of safeguarding experts will monitor, analyse & alert the school to high risk incidents of concern.
This approach to cyber safety ensures that ALL school devices are constantly monitored without taking up valuable teaching and staff management time.
How does it work?
Securus software installed onto the devices or the network (or both). Designated staff details are loaded with contact details for alerts. 'Go Live' date issued and service is activated.
Our safeguarding team monitor activity daily for incidents of concern. Incident 'Captures' are graded by severity. Severity 1 is low risk, up to Severity 5 being the highest risk.
When a capture of concern is detected our safeguarding team will analyse and determine the level of risk from the detailed evidence and ascertain whether it is a false/positive capture or one of greater concern.
Severity 4 & 5 captures generate email alerts that are immediately sent to designated school contacts for their attention and urgent action. For Severity 5 captures, the school will receive a telephone call which is also backed up by an SMS message.
Real-time Dashboard available via the Securus Hub & Regular Reports sent to designated staff.
Alerts & Reporting Captures
Securus has a built in library of 24+ categories with dynamic grading and levels of severity in accordance with DfE’s Keeping Children Safe in Education and child protection agencies:
Severity 1
Low grade capture – low level incident with no risk factor
Severity 2
Low to Medium grade capture – usually off task or non typed incident
Severity 3
Medium grade capture – potentially unsafe behaviour for consideration
Moderated and deemed safe
Alerts sent – Email, SMS (& Phone Call for Severity 5)
Severity 4
Medium to High grade capture – clear safeguarding incident identified for review and immediate action
Severity 5
High grade capture – urgent safeguarding incident indicating immediate risk or harm
Key Benefits
Saves Time & Money
Do away with added workloads and time constraints on school staff who have responsibility to monitor digital activity – with a cost effective service.
Miss Nothing
Monitor ALL devices including iPads, Mac computers, Chromebooks, Windows, Android & Mobile Phones, providing support for BYOD initiativesork for Ofsted.
All moderators maintain the highest levels of safeguarding certification and training.
Reinforces and supports positive pupil behaviour and well-being.
Meets DfE Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory guidance, Ofsted inspection requirements & ISI framework.
Integration with MyConcern & CPOMS reduces the need for unnecessary additional system interactions.
Some Key Threats We Monitor For